
The main objective of the development ipv6 is to meet need of ip addresses for a long term and improving the existing weaknesses in ipv4. But the transitional of the protokol version 4 to protokol version 6 cant be done by casually because due to the many infrastructure of the ipv4 network have been installed . For it is needed method to integrate ipv4 with ipv6 and one of the method is to use tunneling. The presence of tunneling network also needed routing protokol that support ipv6 protokol such as ripng and ospfv3 in ipv6 tunneling network. This paper is arranged to determine the performance of ripng dan ospfv3 routing protokols by analyzing the patch selection of data transmission, routing update analysis, speed time convergent analysis, analyzing by sending tcp data packet and sniffing analysis of data packet in tunneling network. The method used is literature study, computer simulation, and implementation on the test-bed. Data analysis showed that performance of ospfv3 is better than ripng because the speed of convergent time is faster. Ospfv3 need an average time as musch as 19 seconds but ripng need 178 seconds.on the test results of network throughput for tcp windows size that have 2, 4, 5, 6 kbyte capacity it take an average 121, 58 mbit/sec for ospfv3 and 117, 44 mbit/sec for ripng. For the overall performance of ripng and ospfv3 are not much different from its predecessor routing protokol in ipv4 network, it just for ripng and ospfv3 have support for 128-bit ipv6 addressing.


  • Tujuan dikembangkanya ipv6 adalah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan alamat ip untuk jangka panjang sekaligus menyempurnakan berbagai kelemahan ipv4

  • This paper is arranged to determine the performance of ripng dan ospfv3 routing protokols by analyzing the patch selection of data transmission, routing update analysis, speed time convergent analysis, analyzing by sending tcp data packet and sniffing analysis of data packet in tunneling network

  • Data analysis showed that performance of ospfv3 is better than ripng because the speed of convergent time is faster

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Dengan semakin berkembangnya pengguna internet kebutuhan akan IP (Internet Protokol) juga semakin bertambah. Namun pertambahan penggunaan IP ini tidak dapat diimbangi dengan jumlah IPv4 yang ada, oleh karena itu IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) menetapkan standar pengelamatan baru yaitu IPv6, diharapkan dengan IPv6 ini dapat memenuhi kebutuhan alamat IP dan menyempurnakan berbagai kelemahan IPv4. Namun karena sudah banyaknya infrastruktur jaringan IPv4 dengan skala besar, maka kita tidak dapat langsung mengganti seluruh jaringan IPV4 yang sudah ada dengan IPv6, selain membutuhkan waktu juga banyak pertimbangan yang harus dipikirkan untuk memigrasikan seluruh jaringan. Oleh karena itu pada skripsi kali ini akan dibahas dua jenis routing protokol yang sering digunakan pada jaringan Tunneling IPv6 yaitu RIPng dan OSPFv3, pembahasan akan dilakukan dengan menganalisa kinerja dan pengujian kedua routing protokol ini sehingga diharapakan setelah dilakukan analisa dapat ditentukan bagaimana kinerja suatu routing protokol pada jaringan tunneling IPv6

Konfigurasi Tunnel IPV6
Pengujian Update Routing Table Dan Kecepetan Waktu Kovergensi
Analisa Pengujian Pemilihan Jalur Pengiriman Data
Pengujian Paket Data Pada Saat Melewati Tunneling Ipv6
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