
This study aims to describe the errors in writing hiragana letters made by students of class XI IPS SMA Negeri 5 Malang City and identify the types of these errors. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with test instrument. The test is a written test, students write Japanese vocabulary with hiragana letters. The test results were then analyzed for errors using the methodology proposed by Ellis. The errors that have been identified will then be classified into several error categories. According to Imelda, Chandra, and Adimihardja, there are 3 categories of errors in writing hiragana letters, namely (1) Inaccurate writing, (2) Inappropriate letter shapes, (3) Errors in letter selection. The result of this study is from the results of data analysis conducted, there are errors included in 3 categories of hiragana letter writing errors. The most common category of error is the category of inaccurate writing

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