
The development of the world globally in various fields of life has demanded intense competition. Therefore, every individual who inhabits this world needs to have certain competencies in order to be able to compete in this globalization era. Hence, each individual must be able to think at a high level (higher order thingking / HOT) especifically on math subjects. But the problems that occur, there are still many students who have difficulty in solving the problems in the form of higher order thinking (HOT) so that they have not been able to compete globally. To overcome this problem the researcher carried out a higher order thingking analysis on Algebraic material. This study aims at describing the analysis of higher order terms in Algebraic material. The method used were a test and interview of 3 informants in six schools based on students' levels of ability, namely high ability, moderate ability and low ability. The results showed that there were differences in solving HOT problems in students who had high, medium and low abilities.


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  • Dalam hubungan dengan materi aljabar, Nadine, Cs (1996) berpendapat Many studies have shown the difficulties of students at several school levels with respect to the concepts focused on in the various ways of introducing algebra: equation solving, the manipulation of algebraic expressions, problem solving, and the handling of fundamental concepts such as that of variable

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Hasil dan Pembahasan Hasil

Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan di 6 (enam) sekolah yang tersebar di 3 Siswa ini dapat mengerjakan 6 soal dengan deskripsinya adalah sebagai berikut S1 menyelesaikan soal no 1 hanya dengan menggambar diagram cartesius, soal no 2 S1 mengalikan bilangan – bilangan yang ada pada atapnya Analisis siswa (S2) berkemampuan sedang dalam menyelesaikan soal HOT pada materi aljabar dapat diperoleh informasinya berdasarkan soal tes dan wawancara sebagai berikut: S2 menyelesaikan soal HOT pada materi yakni soal no 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 dan 6. Ada juga hasil wawancara peneliti dengan S2 sebagai berikut: Pene : Menurut anda, soal – soal liti yang tadi dikerjakan termasuk soal mudah, sulit atau sedang – sedang saja ?. Analisis S3 berkemampuan rendah dalam menyelesaikan soal HOT pada materi aljabar dapat diperoleh informasinya berdasarkan hasil tes dan wawancara adalah sebagai berikut: S3 menyelesaikan hanya 2 soal selain dari itu S3 tidak mengerjakan soal – soal tersebut. Peneli : Nah, siang ini Ibu akan ti bertanya tentang beberapa hal yang tadi dikerjakan, apakah soal – soal yang dikerjakan termasuk soal sulit, sedang atau mudah ?

Peneli ti
Perspectives For Research And
Mathematical Performance Among
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