
<p><em>Low weight for infant is one of problem that often occurs in treatment infant when getting birth. The number of low weight for infant becomes the problems for health workers. Around a quarter of low weight for infants die before stable or in 12 hours first of living infant. Result of SDKI 2002-2003 percentages of low weight for infant shows 7.6%. Based on Riskesdas (basic health research) 2007 around 11.5% infant getting birth with low weight lack of 2500 gram (minister health 2008). So, purpose of this research is to know description mothers’ anxiety with treatment low weight for infants. This research is descriptive research, type of the research qualitative method to know description mothers’ anxiety with treatment low weight for infants in Ahmad Muchtar hospital Bukittinggi 2018. This research is started on june 20-august 15 2018. The total respondent is 10 respondents with purposive sampling. In this research is done input aspect, process</em><em>, o</em><em>utput is done by four steps, they are collecting data through interviewing collection, display and drawing. </em><em>Based on the result of the research shows that mother who has low weight infant causes anxiety is mothers’ anxiety to see the infant. It is suggested that workers health when giving the information is more skillful and service improvement. Mothers’ anxiety with treatment low weight for infant can be concluded that informant says that the causes of anxiety is the mother feels anxiety and worried toward the infant. </em></p>


  • Low weight for infant is one of problem that often occurs in treatment infant when getting birth

  • The number of low weight for infant becomes the problems for health workers

  • This research is started on june 20-august 15 2018

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Bayi BBLR Merupakan

Permasalahan yang sering dihadapi pada perawatan bayi baru lahir. Sekitar sepertiga dari jumlah BBLR meninggal sebelum stabil atau dalam 12 jam pertama kehidupam bayi. Bayi yang berusia kurang dari 1 bulan merupakan golongan umur yang paling rentan atau memiliki resiko gangguan kesehatan yang paling tinggi.Data ini menunjukkan bahwa jumlah kematian neonatal 0-28 hari di Provinsi Sumatra. BBLR erat kaitannya dengan kesakitan dan kematian neonatal, gizi kurang pada awal kehidupan, perlambatan pertumbuhan, gangguan perkembangan kognitif dan motorik (Demelash, 2015). Bayi BBLR meningkatkan risiko kematian 40 kali dibandingkan bayi lahir normal (Goldenberg, 2007).Di negara berkembang, mayoritas bayi yang BBLR dilahirkan aterm (cukup bulan) dan sudah menderita retardasi pertumbuhan intrauteri sebagai akibat dari maternal stunting dan gizi kurang yang terjadi sebelum dan selama kehamilan atau akibat infeksi (Goldenberg, 2007).Sementara kejadian stunting sangat erat kaitannya dengan status sosial ekonomi (Mauludyani, 2012). Komplikasi perinatal dan neonatal lebih tinggi pada bayi dengan BBLR yang akan berpengaruh merugikan pada perkembangan motorik, mental dan intelligence quotient (IQ) yang lebih rendah pada anak

Perawatan secara intensif di ruang
Studi pendahuluan yang di lakukan peneliti Dr Ahmad Muchtar
Dr Rumah Sakit Ahmad Muchtar
Menurut penelitian Yeni
Asuhan Kebidanan pada
Pendek atan
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