
Significant consequences of global warming due to climate change, which is characterized by increasing extremes of climate events, both magnitude and frequency. Climate change that occurs in an area is highly dependent on the sensitivity of local factors in responding to global climate change that occurred. The research was conducted in West Sumatera region which was divided into two parts of topography, lowland and highlands, using observation data and model data. The extreme climate index is determined by using the ETCCDI standard. Climate change is also seen from the shift in climate patterns within a predetermined period of time. The significance of extreme climatic trends and climate change is done by the Mann-Kendall test. The result of the analysis shows that in general there has been an increase in air temperature in the research area, both in highland and lowland areas there is a tendency to increase extreme rainfall in highland areas, while for lowland areas tend to experience a negative trend. Trend test results show that not all variations of extreme climate index trends are significant on significance tests at 90% and 95% or more confidence levels and there is also no difference in extreme climatic conditions between lowland and upland areas. Temperature pattern shift of 0.5 to 1.0 OC in both low and high areas of research. As for the pattern of rain occurred shift with lower average for in lowland area of research area and tendency of increasing amount of rainfall in highland area of research area.


  • The result of the analysis shows that in general there has been an increase in air temperature in the research area, both in highland and lowland areas there is a tendency to increase extreme rainfall in highland areas, while for lowland areas tend to experience a negative trend

  • (2014).Change Extreme Temperature and Pricipitation in the Arab Region: Long-term Trend and Variability Related to El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and NAO.International Journal of Climatology

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Analisis Iklim Ekstrim untuk Deteksi Perubahan Iklim di Sumatera Barat

Konsekuensi signifikandari pemanasan global akibat terjadinya perubahan iklim, yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya kejadian-kejadian iklim ekstrim, baik magnitude maupun frekuensinya. Perubahan iklim yang terjadi juga dilihat dari pergeseran pola iklim dalam periode waktu yang telah ditentukan. Signifikansi dari trend iklim ekstrim dan perubahan iklim dilakukan dengan uji Mann-Kendall. Hasil analisis menunjukan secara umum telah terjadi kenaikan suhu udara di wilayah penelitian, baik di wilayah dataran tinggi maupun dataran rendah terdapat kecenderungan peningkatan curah hujan ekstrim di wilayah dataran tinggi, sementara untuk di wilayah dataran rendah cenderung mengalami trend negative. Pergeseran pola suhu sebesar 0.5 hingga 1.0 OC baik di daerah dataran rendah maupun tinggi wilayah penelitian.Sedangkan untuk pola hujan terjadi pergeseran dengan rata-rata yang lebih rendah untuk di daerah dataran rendah wilayah penelitian dan kecenderungan terjadinya peningkatan jumlah curah hujan di daerah dataran tinggi wilayah penelitian

Periode Data
Consecutive dry day
BKT Dataran Tinggi
Periode Tahun
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