
This study aims to explore the potential of pluralism in Pakutandang Village as a model for managing diversity in Indonesia. The pluralism in Pakutandang Village is observed through the diversity of religions, ethnicities, cultures, and professions of its community. Using a descriptive qualitative research approach and data collection techniques through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation, this study addresses two research questions: first, what are the binding factors of harmony, and second, what are the characteristics of peaceful coexistence between Muslims and Penghayat Kebatinan Perjalanan. The study finds that there are three binding factors of harmony: the ideology of Pancasila, the values of diversity, and religion (belief). The characteristics of peaceful coexistence in Pakutandang Village include: living together harmoniously, learning to recognize differences, establishing good relationships between individuals or groups, and practicing tolerance, mutual respect, and resolving conflicts without violence. The conclusion of this study is that diversity can create harmonious, tolerant, inclusive, and peaceful conditions among various differences, which is expected to become a new model in managing diversity in Indonesia.Keywords: Coexistence, Muslim, Penghayat Kebatinan PerjalananAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali potensi pluralitas di Desa Pakutandang sebagai model dalam praktik pengelolaan keberagaman di Indonesia. Pluralitas di Desa Pakutandang ditinjau dari keberagaman agama, etnis, budaya, dan profesi masyarakatnya. Dengan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi, penelitian ini menjawab dua pertanyaan utama: pertama, apa faktor perekat kerukunan, dan kedua, bagaimana karakteristik koeksistensi damai antara umat Islam dan penghayat Kebatinan Perjalanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga faktor perekat kerukunan, yaitu: ideologi Pancasila, nilai kebhinekaan, dan agama (kepercayaan). Adapun karakteristik kehidupan damai di Desa Pakutandang meliputi: hidup bersama secara harmonis, belajar mengenali perbedaan, terjalinnya hubungan baik antar individu atau kelompok, serta toleransi, saling menghormati, dan penyelesaian konflik tanpa kekerasan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa keberagaman mampu menciptakan kondisi harmonis, toleran, inklusif, dan rukun antar berbagai perbedaan, yang diharapkan dapat menjadi pola baru dalam pengelolaan keberagaman di Indonesia.Kata Kunci: Koeksistensi, Muslim, Penghayat Kebatinan Perjalanan

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