This article focused on analyze (1) Effect of consumption, investmen, government expenditure and the nett export to the economic growth in West Sumatera. (2) The influence of disposible income, before consumtption period and the saving on the consumption in west Sumatera (3).Effect of disposible income, interest rate and consumption to the saving in West Sumatera. Data used time series of (I year kuartal 20001 – IV year kuartal 2010). This article use analyzer model equation of simultaneous with method of Two Stage Least Squared (TSLS). The result of research concludes that (1) the consumption have a significant and positive impact on the economic growth, investment have significant and positive impact on the economic growth, government expenditure have significantly and positive on the economic growth and nett export have a significant and positive impact on the economic growth in West Sumatera. If the economic growth increases, the consumption will also increase. (2) disposible income, economic growth and before consumtption period significantly influence the consumption in West Sumatera. While the saving is significant and negative effect on consumption in West Sumatera. (3) disposible income and consumption significantly influence the saving in West Sumatera. While the interset rate is not significant effect on saving in West Sumatera.
If the economic growth increases, the consumption will increase. (2) disposible income, economic growth and before consumtption period significantly influence the consumption in West Sumatera
While the saving is significant and negative effect on consumption in West Sumatera. (3) disposible income and consumption significantly influence the saving in West Sumatera
Ekonomi Publik Untuk Keuangan dan Pembangunan Daerah
Analisis Induktif Berdasarkan pengolahan data dengan bantuan program Eviews 6, diperoleh hasil olahan data untuk berbagai uji dan model analisis sebagai berikut: Uji Stasioner Uji stasioner yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji akar unit (unit root test) yang dikembangkan oleh David Dickey dan Wayne Fuller, atau yang lebih dikenal dengan uji akar unit Dickey-Fuller (DF). Apabila nilai statistik Dickey-Fuller (Dickey-Fuller test statistic) probabilitasnya kecil dari α = 0,05, maka H0 ditolak atau Ha diterima yang artinya variabel tersebut stasioner. Variabel tersebut dapat stasioner apakah itu pada level, 1st difference, atau 2nd difference. Sebaliknya apabila nilai statistik Dickey-Fuller probabilitasnya besar dari α = 0,05, maka H0 diterima atau Ha ditolak yang artinya variabel tersebut tidak stasioner atau mengandung masalah unit root. Tabel 1 menjelaskan masingmasing variabel stasioner pada tingkat tertentu, yaitu pada level, 1st difference, dan 2nd difference. Dari Tabel tersebut dapat diketahui bahwasannya variabel-variabel tabungan, investasi, pengeluaran pemerintah, konsumsi periode sebelumnya serta suku bunga memiliki nilai probabilitas yang kecil dari α = 0,05 pada 1st difference, oleh karena itu variabel-variabel tersebut stasioner pada 1st difference.
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