
This study aims to explore further and provide empirical information about 1) The influence of psychological factors on employee job satisfaction, 2). The influence of social factors on employee job satisfaction, 3). The influence of physical factors on employee job satisfaction, 4) The influence of financial factors on employee job satisfaction, and 5). The influence of psychological factors, social factors, physical factors and financial factors on employee job satisfaction. The study was conducted on 57 employees at the Bappeda office, Bireuen Regency, Aceh Province. With the research instrument using a questionnaire and statistical path analysis methods. The results showed that; 1) There is a significant influence of psychological factors on employee job satisfaction, giving a positive contribution of 20.19%. 2) The test results show the influence of social factors on employee job satisfaction by 23.47%, 3). Physical factors of the work environment of Bappeda Bireuen Regency employees also have a significant effect on employee satisfaction by 18.58%. 4). And employee financial factors affect employee job satisfaction, and is the biggest factor among the factors studied, namely 24.47%. 5) Simultaneously, the four factors analyzed, namely psychological, social, physical and financial factors, showed a simultaneous influence on job satisfaction of Bappeda employees of Bireuen Regency by 86.8%. While the rest (salvage value) the role of the variables not examined is 13.2%. The residual value indicates that there are other factors that can affect the employee job satisfaction variable, including; organizational climate, employee education and training, leadership and others

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