
Abstrak Hipertensi merupakan keadaan tekanan darah sistolik ≥ 140 mmHg dan tekanan darah diastolik ≥ 90 mmHg. Diperkirakan pada tahun 2021 terdapat 362.460 penderita hipertensi di Kabupaten Magelang, sementara hanya 43.053 yang mendapatkan pelayanan standar. Pada tahun 2021, Puskesmas Grabag 2 menjadi salah satu puskesmas dengan angka hipertensi tinggi yaitu 782 kasus. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi faktor risiko hipertensi di Puskesmas Grabag 2. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi observasional analitik dengan desain studi cross-sectional. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 1042 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling dan menggunakan data sekunder kunjungan Posbindu PTM di Puskesmas Grabag 2 pada bulan Agustus 2022. Usia (p-value 0,001) dan tingkat pendidikan (p-value 0,001) ditemukan berhubungan terhadap kejadian hipertensi, sedangkan faktor risiko lainnya tidak berhubungan. Penyuluhan tentang hipertensi sangat diperlukan, terutama bagi pasien usia lanjut, agar dapat lebih meningkatkan kualitas hidup mereka. Kata kunci: hipertensi, faktor risiko, posbindu Abstract Hypertension is a condition of systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90 mmHg. It is estimated that in 2021 there will be 362,460 people with hypertension in Magelang Regency, while only 43,053 will receive standard services. In 2021, Grabag 2 Health Center will be one of the health centers with a high rate of hypertension, namely 782 cases. The research objective was to identify the risk factors for hypertension at the Grabag 2 Health Center. This study used an analytic observational methodology with a cross-sectional study design. The research population was 1042 people. The sampling technique used total sampling and used secondary data from PTM Posbindu visits at the Grabag 2 Health Center in August 2022. Age (p-value 0.001) and educational level (p-value 0.001) were found to be related to the incidence of hypertension, while other risk factors were not related. Education about hypertension is very necessary, especially for elderly patients, in order to further improve their quality of life. Keywords: hypertension, risk factors, posbindu

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