
One of the plantation commodities that has the potential to become a source of foreign exchange for Indonesia is cloves (Syzigium aromaticum L. Marr. and Perr.). National cloves production fluctuates, so that in cloves production it is known as the big harvest, medium harvest and small harvest. The clove cigarette industry is the main consumer of cloves because it absorbs 95% of the national clove production which is used as the main raw material in producing. This causes the volume of cloves to exported reduced, therefore research related to the analysis of the factors that affect the volume of clove exports to the main export destination countries needs to be carried out in order to produce recommendations to the government regarding the development of Indonesian clove exports, especially in the main clove export destination countries. The main destination countries selected in this study are India, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Pakistan, and the United States which consistently import cloves from Indonesia in large volumes. This study uses a panel data analysis method using time series data for the period 2002-2019 and a cross section in six main destination countries for Indonesia's clove exports.

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