
Pos Indonesia is a company engaged in goods delivery services that already have about 24,000 service points that reach almost all sub-districts and villages/ villages, to remote locations in Indonesia. This study explains what factors consumers consider in using Pos Indonesia expedition services, which aims to know what factors influence consumers in using Pos Indonesia expedition services. Research method using quantitative research type, Factors - factors studied is marketing mix (7P). In this study, the population is Kebon Rojo Surabaya post office, while the sample is as many as 100 respondents who have used Pos Indonesia expedition services. The sample is obtained from unknown population formula with accidental sampling method that uses criteria to be considered as a sample (Purposive Sampling). The results of the calculation of factor analysis by including 18 variables obtained that KMO measure of sampling adequency (MSA) of 0.858 and barlett's test of 672,998 with a significance rate of 0.000. Based on the analysis of factors using rotation (varimax) it can be obtained manifest variables with a total of 4 new factors, namely consumer satisfaction factors, service factors, consumer perception factors, and Branding factors. Of the 4 new factors obtained, the four factors qualify as factors because they have an eign value of more than 1, and the most considered variable is a comfortable waiting room variable. Keywords: Product Variations, Memorable Brand, Service Quality, Price Variants, Affordable Prices, Price According to Quality, Strategic Location, Easy to Find Location, Interesting Ads, Promotions Through Social Media, Promotions Through Brochures, Employee Appearance, Employee Courtesy, Employee Responsiveness, Timely Delivery, Fast Claim Process, Comfortable Waiting Room, Cleanliness. DOI : https://doi.org/10.33005/jbi.v12i1.2599

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