
The high expectations and tightness of the diabetes therapy regimen is one of the biggest causes of distress in DM patients who are characterized by feelings of despair, worry about financing treatment, frustration due to uncontrolled blood glucose and blood pressure, and fear of the threat of further complications from DM. The aim of this study was to identify the demographic characteristics associated with distress in type 2 diabetes patients in Yogyakarta. There are five demographic factors identified as independent variables in this study including age, gender, education level, duration of diabetes and comorbidities. The results showed that most diabetic patients experienced mild distress (68.8%), moderate (31.3%), and severe (0%). The most associated factor with diabetes distress is the level of education [p = 0.039; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.464-9.889] Patients with lower levels of education have a risk of 2,143 times having diabetes distress [Exp (B): 2,143)].


  • The high expectations and tightness of the diabetes therapy regimen is one of the biggest causes of distress in Diabetes mellitus (DM) patients who are characterized by feelings of despair, worry about financing treatment, frustration due to uncontrolled blood glucose and blood pressure, and fear of the threat of further complications from DM

  • The results showed that most diabetic patients experienced mild distress (68.8%), moderate (31.3%), and severe (0%)

  • Burden of type 2 diabetes attributed to lower educational levels in Sweden

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Prosedur Penelitian

Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian distress pada pasien diabetes tipe 2. Penelitian ini menggunakan lima variabel bebas: 1) Usia, yang dikategorikan menjadi 2, yaitu kelompok usia 19-59 tahun dan ≥ 60 tahun; 2) Jenis kelamin, dikategorikan menjadi laki-laki dan perempuan; 3) Tingkat pendidikan, dikategorikan menjadi pendidikan dasar awal (SD dan SMP) dan pendidikan dasar lanjut (SMA dan PT); 4) Durasi penyakit, dikategorikan menjadi ≤ 5 tahun dan > 5 tahun; serta 5) komorbid,dikategorikan menjadi ada atau tidak ada komorbid. Variabel terikat dalam penelitian ini adalah distress diabetes. Regresi logistik pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode backward, dengan 6 step. Pada step ke 6 didapatkan variabel yang paling berhubungan dengan kejadian diabetes distress

Populasi dan Sampel
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Kategori Distress N
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