
This article attempts to describe the "true tangle" between school policy at the level of idealism with the progress and commemoration of the competence of school leavers in the field of praxis in the field. This research takes place in SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Playen, Yogyakarta. Based on the evaluative analysis in the school showed that; 1) Generally, The formulation of school policy can be said to support the improvement of competency standards of graduate students SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Playen. The formulation of policy (policy making) is done through deliberation or work meeting of leaders and teachers. Judging from the form aktivnnya, then the policy is in the form of academic and non academic activities. 2) at the level of policy implementation, the policy implementers themselves come from the highest levels to the lowest levels such as head master, teachers, staffs, and students. Implementation is certainly through the process of communication and socialization with the target of school policy. the implementation of school policies on the way and the process of course encountered obstacles and challenges. The point that support the implementation of school programs are consistency of school residents, acceptance and participation of school residents and communication. While the obstacles and challenges of implementation of the policy include; lack of potential sources of schools; low student learning motivation; limited economic parent; and the low awareness of teachers. 3) Evaluation of school policy. As for those who act as evaluators of school policies are those who are involved in the formulation and implementing of school policies, especially principals and teachers.


  • Artikel ini mencoba menguraikan “benar kusut” antara kebijakan sekolah pada tataran idealitas dengan kemajuan dan peningatan kompetensi lulusan sekolah pada wilayah praksis di lapangan

  • As for those who act as evaluators of school policies are those who are involved in the formulation and implementing of school policies, especially principals and teachers

  • Yogyakarta: Program Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2001

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Hasil rapat

Jenis dan bentuk Kebijakan (Policy Formations). pihak sekolah juga telah banyak merumuskan berbagai program sekolah sebagai upaya meningkatkan mutu dan kualitas sekolah. Pihak sekolah juga telah banyak merumuskan berbagai program sekolah sebagai upaya meningkatkan mutu dan kualitas sekolah. Oleh karena itu pihak sekolah SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Playen telah banyak membuat kebijakan-kebijakan sesuai dengan keperluan dan kebutuhan masyarakat luas (need assessment). “Kalau untuk jenis kebijakan sekolah yang telah dirumuskan selama ini, secara umum ada sembilan (9), ada kebijakan di bidang umum, bidang kurikulum dan pembelajaran, bidang ketenagaan, bidang hubungan masyarakarat, bidang kesiswaan, bidang pengembangan fasilitas, bidang keuangan, bidang kesejahteraan sosial, bidang qoidah pendidikan dasar Muhammadiyah.”. Hal tersebut terkonfirmasi dalam dokumentasi rencana kegiatan dan anggaran sekolah SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Playen tahun pelajaran 2014/2015.25 Secara lebih lanjut poin tersebut terdapat dalam uraian kebijakan umum pimpinan. Hal tersebut dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut: 24Hasil Interview dengan Kepala Sekolah SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Playen, pada 29 November 2014 25Lihat dalam lampiran dokumentasi Rencana Kegiatan dan Anggaran Sekolah SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Playen Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015, hlm. Lihat juga lampiran dokumentasi Rencana Kerja Jangka Menengah SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Playen Tahun 2014-2018. hal. 12

Kaidah PD Muhammadiyah
Kebijakan Sekolah
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