
This research discusses the ecology of literary work in Kirana Kejora’s novel Rindu Terpisah di Raja Ampat as an alternative teaching material in senior high school. The purpose of this study to determine the natural ecology and cultural ecology in the novel Rindu Terpisah di Raja Ampat by Kirana Kejora. The method used, namely descriptive by describing the result in words. The result of this study indicate that this novel contain natural ecology and cultural ecology. This ecology related to the interaction of human and the natural envirotment, namely protecting and preserving the natural environment by using several attitude, such as an attitude of responsibility, an attitude of caring the natural in accordance with the culture in Papua. The natural ecologyand culture ecology described by subordinate figure, namely Karang. Senior high school student can use coral figures as rle models because theyhave positive value for the character development of students. Regarding the aspect of selecting teaching material, namely aspect of language, psychology, and cultural background, Kirana Kejora’s novel Rindu Terpisah di Raja Ampat has fulfil the criteria of good teaching material of senior high school.

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