
The theft mode of the four defendants is by jointly harvesting oil palm fruit belonging to PT. SDK 4 Bukit Benua Block 13QQ slices B and C located in Penjernang Hulu Village, Sungai Tebelian District, Sintang Regency. The harvested palm oil is then transported to the side of the road and arranged with a total of 102 (one hundred two) pieces of fresh palm oil bunches of about 2 (two) tons to be sold. It was not yet possible to be transported for sale that TJ, a harvest inspector and a West Kalimantan Regional Police Mobile Brigade, who were conducting routine patrols in the PT. SDK 4 Bukit Benua, then at 12:30 a.m. Witness witnessed diareal Block 13 QQ sliced Bdan C found there were 6 (six) people who were illegally harvesting to steal the area’s palm oil and Brimob succeeded in securing evidence of palm fruit, egrek and one unit the defendant’s motorcycle, the defendant ran away.Keywords: Analysis, Sanctions, Theft.


  • Abstrak Modus Pencurian keempat para terdakwa yaitu dengan melakukan bersama – sama memanen sawit buah sawit milik PT

  • The theft mode of the four defendants is by jointly harvesting oil palm fruit belonging to

  • C located in Penjernang Hulu Village

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Dari kejadian ini kita lihat berpindahnya kekuasaan nyata itu tidak memerlukan berpindahnya Berdasarkan fakta – fakta hukum yang terungkap selama di persidangan telah terbukti: - Bahwa benar para terdakwa telah mengambil berupa 102 (seratus dua) Tandan Kelapa Sawit yang beratnya sekitar 2(dua) Ton; - Bahwa kejadian pencurian tersebut di kebun sawit inti milik PT. SDK 4 Bukit Benua areal Blok 13qQ irisan B dan C yang berada di Desa Penjernang Hulu Kec. Sungai Tebelian Kab. Sintang, pada hari Rabu, tanggal 09 Agustus 2017 sekitar jam 12.00 Wib yang dilakukan oleh para terdakwa; - Bahwa para terdakwa melakukan pencurian buah sawit tersebut dengan menggunakan 4

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