
To-date humans suffered from a different pandemic disease which causes great loss. At the end of 2019, a few cases of high contagious flu were reported in the Wuhan, China. The death ratio is very high. Some common high-risk patients are cardiovascular disease patients, cancer patients, pregnant women, and foetuses. Ultra-Care is necessary for those pregnant women who are admitted for caesarean section surgery. Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology revealed that in elective caesarean surgery the pregnant women should be a screen for the symptoms of COVID-19 before the procedure. During surgery along with other management, anaesthetic drugs are a key priority element. Among pregnant women, the safest anesthesia for caesarean with COVID-19 is Combine Spinal Epidural Anesthesia (CSEA). In emergency, caesarean surgery of COVID-19 patient general anesthesia with rapid sequence induction and the endotracheal tube is administered. It is recommended that pregnant women should be properly examined for symptoms of COVID-19 before surgery. The healthcare staff should wear proper PPE to avoid the spread of the virus. It is concluded that patient with other disease has increased the morbidity rate up to three-fold. The spinal and epidural anesthesia are safe for elective surgery of pregnant women.

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