
Based on revision of 533 herbarium specimens and literature review, 227 lichenized and 36 lichenicolous fungi belonging to 115 genera and 52 families (including 8 incertae sedis taxa) are reported from Arasbaran UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve. In addition, 103 taxa are reported for the first time from Arasbaran. Of these nineteen lichenized fungi and two lichenicolous fungi were not known from Iran before, the lichenized fungi Aspicilia pavimentans,Bryobilimbia hypnorumCaloplaca phaeothamnos,Cetreliamonachorum,Circinaria elmorei, Cladonia borealis, L. populicola, Lecidea auriculata, Pertusaria flavicans, P. pluripuncta, P. pseudocorallina, P. xanthoplaca, Phaeophyscia poeltii, Rinodina trachytica,Scytinium aragonii, Usnea glabrata, Varicellaria lactea, Xanthocarpia tominii, and the lichenicolous fungi Rosellinula haplospora and Telogalla olivieri. ITS rDNA was used to confirm the identity ofLecidea auriculata. The history of floristic study and the diversity of lichen species in the region are briefly discussed.

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