
This chapter aims to provide an updated overview consisting of a scientific major contribution regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI) directed at sensors, in applications involving intelligent technologies such as Machine Learning or Deep Learning. And so, approaching and addressing the topic with a bibliographic background, synthesizing the potential of technology. In this sense, understanding what is AI is essential since it is one of the main disruptive technologies of today, which is a branch of computer science that focuses on building computers and machines capable of simulating intelligent behavior. AI is the ability of electronic devices to function in a way that resembles human thinking, evaluating that the technology involves a grouping of various technologies, such as algorithms, learning systems, neural networks, among others that can simulate capacities related to intelligence, such as reasoning, perception of the environment and the analysis ability for decision making, which can be aimed at the industry in processes automation taking advantage of intelligent machine learning. This implies perceiving variables, making decisions, and solving problems, i.e., operating in a logic that refers to reasoning. The sensor is a device sensitive to a certain quantity, which changes its state in proportion to the stimulus on it, i.e., the magnitude of the change of state leads to the knowledge of the magnitude that caused it. In this perspective, it can be programmed and exchange data with various elements of the communication network that they are part of, including even other sensors, enable a variety of integrated applications.

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