
Ayurveda is the science of life consisting of guidelines for the maintenance of health and to cure the disease. A Vaidya based on his yukti treat the patients by using different modalities of treatment explained by our acharyas. Shodhana and shamana are the 2 main domains of treatment. Shodhana comes under panchakarma which consists of mainly vamana, virechana, basti , nasya. These treatment modalities yield optimum results only when it is administered with due consideration to matra and kala. Nasya karma is one among the panchakarma therapy which deals with the diseases of jatrurdhva. The dose of Sneha nasya is explained in bindu Pramana. Now a days practically bindu is considered as one drop. But our acharyas clearly explained the procedure for measurement of bindu Pramana to obtain the optimum results. The dose of bindu Pramana varies from person to person. materials and methods:- In the present study 40 healthy volunteers are selected between the age group of 20-30 and the bindu Pramana is measured as per the classics considering the BMI, Length of index finger , circumference of index finger for measuring 8 bindu pramana of murchita tila taila and mahamasha taila. The mean dose of 8 bindu Pramana for murchita tila taila is 5.31ml and the mean dose of 8 bindu Pramana for mahamasha taila is 5.43ml. conclusion:- Based on the results we can conclude that drop is not equal to bindu and the measurement of bindu depends on the individual. hence calculation of right dose of medicine is required to obtain the optimum results.

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