
Gynecological cancer is any cancer that starts in women reproductive organs. Over 75% of such women report in India for diagnosis and treatment at advance stage leading to high mortality rate. Cervical cancer is a preventable disease, and regular Pap smears have long been used in developed countries to screen for cervical cancers, accounting for their low-incidence rates. Unfortunately, in developing nations such as India, due to lack of awareness programs and no formal screening programs, most women have presented in the advanced stages of cervical cancer. The aim of the study was to find out the demographic features and factors which may be playing role in pathogenesis of cervical and endometrial cancers and prevention, early diagnosis and screening and thus timely intervention of these cancers. It is a observational study carried out on 100 indoor cancer patients admitted in Zenana Hospital, Jaipur in a 24 months period from May 2016 to November 2017. Result :Ca cervix was most prevalent in Hindu women of low socio-economic status in rural areas. While Endo-metrial cancer comparatively occurred in urban population. The patients were mostly from the outskirts of jaipur and nearby areas and lesser proportion belonged to the urban population. This study revealed an increasing incidence of carcinoma of the cervix with increasing parity. Conclusion: From this study it is evident that both cancer cervix and cancer endometrium have plenty of high risk conditions, environmental influences and unhealthy lifestyle habits associated with them. Thus identifying these high-risk factors, mass education on cancer awareness amongst the people and information regarding screening tests available can be done .

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