
The longstanding phrase, traditional risk factors like-smoking, tobacco and alcohol are the only causative agents of oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is changing now. Etiological divergence is taking place which we have to know to reach upon an exact cause of the disease. Human papilloma virus (HPV) infection is a well-established cause of oral cancer. Escalating incidence of HPV associated cancer has a strong impact on its management. So, a concern clinician needs to get aware for it. Among various types of HPV, HPV-16 is more frequently associated with oral cancers. HPV detection will become a game changer in management of oral cancers. HPV infection and p16 protein expression has a strong and consistent correlation. Therefore, immunohistochemical analysis of p16 protein can be a surrogate biomarker in high risk groups. This hospital based prospective observational study recruited 180 subjects of oral and oropharyngeal SCC. We underwent immunohistochemical analysis of p16 in biopsy specimen of subjects and studied HPV status and associated environmental, clinical and behavioral factors. We observed 9.4% (17/180) incidence of p16 positivity with female predominance. Our observations showed that its prevalence was higher in urban patients who were non tobacco users, had sexually transmitted disease, early stage (T1-T2), poorly differentiated SCC with nodal metastasis. We conclude that keeping in mind HPV as a cause of oral and oropharyngeal SCC, p16 should be use as a biomarker for its detection in high risk cases.

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