
A stethoscope is a ubiquitous tool used to 'listen' to sounds from the chest in order to assess lung and heart conditions. With advances in health technologies including digital devices and new wearable sensors, access to these sounds is becoming easier and abundant; yet proper measures of signal quality do not exist. In this work, we develop an objective quality metric of lung sounds based on low-level and high-level features in order to independently assess the integrity of the signal in presence of interference from ambient sounds and other distortions. The proposed metric outlines a mapping of auscultation signals onto rich low-level features extracted directly from the signal which capture spectral and temporal characteristics of the signal. Complementing these signal-derived attributes, we propose high-level learnt embedding features extracted from a generative auto-encoder trained to map auscultation signals onto a representative space that best captures the inherent statistics of lung sounds. Integrating both low-level (signal-derived) and high-level (embedding) features yields a robust correlation of 0.85 to infer the signal-to-noise ratio of recordings with varying quality levels. The method is validated on a large dataset of lung auscultation recorded in various clinical settings with controlled varying degrees of noise interference. The proposed metric is also validated against opinions of expert physicians in a blind listening test to further corroborate the efficacy of this method for quality assessment.

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