
General software for preconditioning the iterative solution of linear systems is greatly lagging behind the literature. This is partly because specific problems and specific matrix and preconditioner data structures in order to be solved efficiently, i.e., multiple implementations of a preconditioner with specialized data structures are required. This article presents a framework to support preconditioning with various, possibly user-defined, data structures for matrices that are partitioned into blocks. The main idea is to define data structures for the blocks, and an upper layer of software which uses these blocks transparently of their data structure. This transparency can be accomplished by using an object-oriented language. Thus, various preconditioners, such as block relaxations and block-incomplete factorizations, only need to be defined once and will work with any block type. In addition, it is possible to transparently interchange various approximate or exact techniques for inverting pivot blocks, or solving systems whose coefficient matrices are diagonal blocks. This leads to a rich variety of preconditioners that can be selected. Operations with the blocks are performed with optimized libraries or fundamental data types. Comparisons with an optimized Fortran 77 code on both workstations and Cray supercomputers show that this framework can approach the efficiency of Fortran 77, as long as suitable block sized and block types are chosen.

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