
With the revision and improvement of the new curriculum standards, quality education puts forward new requirements for the music classroom in the school education stage. In classroom teaching, it is necessary to confirm the dominant position of students, create an experiential classroom environment, and cultivate students' innovative spirit and practical ability. In the practice of music teaching in the information environment, how to build an effective classroom teaching model has become the focus and core direction of teaching reform. Creating a harmonious music classroom is the call of the times and the requirement of the new curriculum reform. This paper mainly discusses from several aspects, such as creating a good learning environment, establishing a relaxed and harmonious relationship between teachers and students, and innovating teaching methods and novel teaching links. In the research and practice, it mainly explores music classroom teaching and puts forward suggestions for music classroom teaching reform from the perspective of creating teaching situations, integrating resources, and developing flipped classrooms, aiming to improve the effect of music classroom teaching and provide students with active and effective music teaching guidance.

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