
High-quality academic writing should be presented with clear logical connections. However, it may be too challenging for some students so they may be demotivated. On the other hand, serious games provide students with fun and engagement so their motivation can be enhanced. Thus, this study developed a serious game, which was named as a Digital Entertaining English Logic Learning (D-[EL]2). Students could learn how to present academic writing with clear logical connections in the D-[EL]2 context. Additionally, an empirical study was conducted to investigate students’ reactions to the D-[EL]2 from a cognitive style perspective, in terms of test performance, task performance and task behavior. Regarding test performance, Holists significantly obtained better pre-test scores than Serialists but Serialists’ gaining scores were significantly higher than those of Holists. Accordingly, no significant difference was found for their post-test scores. Regarding task performance, no significant difference existed between Serialists and Holists. Regarding task behavior, Serialists more frequently used the location hint and keyword hint than Holists. Additionally, Serialists used the notebook for multiple purposes whereas Holists used it for a single purpose. Based on these findings, we proposed a framework, which can be applied to personalize the D-[EL]2 in the future so that the preferences and requirements of diverse learners can be satisfied.

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