
The aim of this study was to investigate the main causes of maternal mortality in Zimbabwe. Maternal mortality has been recognized as a public health problem in developing countries. Among the developing countries that have been not making progress in reducing maternal death is Zimbabwe. Since 1990 there has been a large and significant increase in maternal mortality in Zimbabwe and this erases any potential gain in maternal survival achieved by safe motherhood programmes during the preceding decade. This shows that there is a need to investigate the causes of maternal death in Zimbabwe so that solutions can be put in place. Efficient services to improve maternal health in Zimbabwe need policies that are informed by reliable and valid data. This study contributes to the accurate assessment of maternal mortality in Zimbabwe. The study investigated the main cause of maternal mortality at Mpilo hospital. The study used interviews to investigate the causes of martenal mortality in Zimbabwe. Findings from the study showed that that haemorrhage causes most of the deaths. Other major causes were abortion, hypertension and sepsis. The study also offers some practical recommendations based on the research findings. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2013.v4n14p615

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