
Infidelity is a relational transgression in which one or more partners betray sexual and/or emotional boundaries within a romantic relationship. Often, infidelity will result in relationship dissolution and is considered by some to be the worst type of relational transgression due to its lasting psychological effects. Communication technology such as social media can be used as a coping opportunity for individuals experiencing this relational transgression and resulting breakup. The present grounded theory study consisted of 30 semi-structured interviews with adults who have experienced a breakup due to infidelity. Findings suggest that communication technology such as social networking sites and artificial intelligence platforms provide users a comfortable place to express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences while also offering unlimited advice, distraction, and validation. Participants suggested the use of technology is beneficial to those who have experienced a traumatic event like infidelity because feelings of embarrassment, blame, and shock may prevent someone from seeking face-to-face support. On the other hand, our study revealed that technology use may be harmful to coping in some cases.

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