
Purpose: We developed an app for Internet of Things (IoT) device such as smartphone or tablet to calculate the monitor unit in superficial and orthovoltage skin therapy. The app can run both on the Windows and Android operation system. Methods: The IoT app was created based on the formula to calculate the monitor unit in skin therapy using kV photon beams. The calculation was based on databases of dose variables such as relative exposure factor and backscatter factor. The calculation also considered the stand-off and stand-in correction according to the inverse-square and inverse-cube law. Verification of the app was carried out by comparing the monitor unit results with those from hand calculations. Results: The frontend window of the app provided a user-friendly interface to the user for inputting prescription dose, beam and treatment setup variables. The user could save the calculation record electronically, generate a printout or send it to other radiation staff using the IoT. Verification of the app showing that deviation between the monitor units calculated by the app and by hand is insignificant. Conclusion: The verified IoT app can effectively calculate the monitor unit in superficial and orthovoltage skin therapy. The app takes advantages of all innate features of IoT such as real time communication, Internet access, data transfer and sharing.

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