
Aside from the obvious humanitarian interests, America has pragmatic and unsentimental national security interests in the course of events in Syria, including countering the role of Iran in the crisis, and providing a blow to its foreign adventurism; preventing spillover of violence into neighboring states; halting the rise of new and reinvigorated terrorist groups; and avoiding further Israeli involvement.In order to protect these interests, the US should take an arms-length, tripartite approach to Syria. First, it should promote the unification of the opposition around a national project to secure a pluralistic and democratic future. Second, it should create a consolidated official channel for international aid. Third, it should provide such lethal and non-lethal assistance as is necessary, but not including direct troop involvement. By undertaking each of these efforts in a coordinated manner, the US will not only secure a positive role in the future of Syria, but will give the Syrian people their best chance at a inclusive, pluralistic democracy, and do so with the least US exposure to risk.

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