
In order to solve the problem of intelligent anti-jamming decision-making in battlefield communication, this paper designs an intelligent decision-making method for communication anti-jamming based on deep reinforcement learning. Introducing experience replay and dynamic epsilon mechanism based on PHC under the framework of DQN algorithm, a dynamic epsilon-DQN intelligent decision-making method is proposed. The algorithm can better select the value of epsilon according to the state of the decision network and improve the convergence speed and decision success rate. During the decision-making process, the jamming signals of all communication frequencies are detected, and the results are input into the decision-making algorithm as jamming discriminant information, so that we can effectively avoid being jammed under the condition of no prior jamming information. The experimental results show that the proposed method adapts to various communication models, has a fast decision-making speed, and the average success rate of the convergent algorithm can reach more than 95%, which has a great advantage over the existing decision-making methods.


  • Reinforcement learning based anti⁃jamming with wideband autonomous cognitive radios[ C] ∥IEEE / CIC International Conference on Communications, 2016: 1⁃5

  • IEEE Trans on Wireless Communications, 2019, 18(6) : 3281⁃3294

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为适应本文研究的问题模型,所计算的 RSIN 用 (3) 式表示[15] ,将(2) 式带入可得(4) 式。 ArgmaxQ(s,a), 0 < x ≤ 1 - ε 随机选择, 1 - ε < x < 1 ( 15) 本小节将干扰判别信息和干扰样式信息分别作 为算法输入,对比动态 ε⁃DQN 算法、文献[ 10] 中的 M⁃RL 决策算法和随机决策算法的决策效果,表 1 为设定的模型参数。 图 5 所示为输入干扰样式信息时,3 种算法的 平均决策成功率对比。 与图 4 类似,动态 ε⁃DQN 算 法在 5 000 回合左右达到收敛,成功率稳定在 98% 以上,但由于算法的随机性,在收敛前其决策成功率 低于 M⁃RL 算法。 综合图 6 与图 7 可以看出,动态 ε⁃DQN 算法在收敛后的决策成功率高于 M⁃RL 算 法,其决策效果更好。

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