
This paper outlines an integrative process for community-based adaptation plans to sea-level rise (SLR) effects in Kohklang Sub-district, Thailand. Three objectives guide this research: (1) to identify flood prone areas and develop a coastal vulnerability index (CVI) (e.g., to estimate ecosystem service impacts and economic loss in flood prone areas); (2) to co-develop risk profiles and social vulnerability assessment; and (3) to synthesize assessment outcomes and generate corresponding adaptation plans and recommendations. A knowledge co-production process was used to link participatory action research (PAR) on social conditions and changes with technical assessments of sea-level rise simulations at 0.5 and 1 m to identify flood prone areas and develop the CVI. Additional data collection and analyses methods include a review of literature and synthesis of expert opinion (n = 5) regarding SLR effects on estimated losses in ecosystem services and community livelihoods, semi-structured interviews (n = 50) and focus group discussions (n = 17 people). We find that a co-production process of natural and social science, together with local knowledge, provides a holistic and integrative identification of impacts of sea level rise and community-based adaptation plans and policy. Initial results were synthesized and then presented to multiple stakeholders in a Kohklang community workshop to further clarify findings and confirm insights. This research process has highlighted the significance of transdisciplinary and participatory approaches to developing household- and community-level policy and plans for adaptation to sea level rise. Outcomes of the research include practical recommendations to address vulnerability concerns, as well as a draft adaptation plan for inclusion in the strategy of the sub-district administrative authority.

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