
Over the last decade, UAV Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry and digital rock mass mapping tools have been rapidly adopted into geotechnical engineering practice. As computing power has increased, numerical models and remote sensing methods have become more sophisticated, and much research has been applied to the development of digital rock mass classification and data collection methods. This investigation presents a case study of UAV photogrammetry mapping, discrete fracture network analysis and discrete element method modelling of jointed sandstone exposed in coastal cliffs and wave-cut platforms near Sydney, Australia. The aim of the study is to investigate a selection of digital mapping and numerical modelling approaches for rock mass geomechanical characterisation. A cohesive workflow is presented for UAV photogrammetry survey, discontinuity mapping, simulation of rock mass scale laboratory tests, and 3D DFN simulations of roof reinforcement in a large-span road tunnel.Digital discontinuity mapping is undertaken using two different software tools, and results are compared with historical conventional mapping. A novel GIS-based workflow is demonstrated to interrogate the mapping data, using a cellular grid approach to measure fracture intensity and fracture network connectivity. The discontinuity statistics are used as inputs to a series of 3D discrete element method numerical UCS, triaxial, and biaxial load tests that investigate the rock mass anisotropy and the impact of confining stress on rock mass shear strength, stiffness, and failure mechanisms. Next, the mapping data are applied to DFN simulations of a 31 m span tunnel, based on upcoming proposed road tunnels in Sydney. The tunnel simulations show how predicted displacements in the tunnel roof are proportional to fracture intensity.

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