
Information about bus travel time and its variability is a key indicator of service performance, and it is valued by passengers and operators. Despite the important effect of traffic flow on bus travel time, previous predictive approaches have not fully considered a traffic measure making their predictions unresponsive to the dynamic changes in traffic congestion. In addition, existing methodologies have primarily concerned predicting average travel time given a certain set of input values. However, predicting travel-time variability has not received sufficient attention in previous research. This article proposes an integrated framework to predict bus average travel time and its variability on the basis of a range of input variables including traffic flow data. The framework is applied using GPS-based travel-time data for a bus route in Melbourne, Australia, in conjunction with dynamic traffic flow data collected by the Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic Systems loop detectors and a measure of schedule adherence. Central to the framework are two artificial neural networks that are used to predict the average and variance of travel times for a certain set of input values. The outcomes are then used to construct a prediction interval corresponding to each input value set. The article demonstrates the ability of the proposed framework to provide robust prediction intervals. The article also explores the value that traffic flow data can provide to the accuracy of travel-time predictions compared with when either temporal variables or scheduled travel times are the base for prediction. While the use of scheduled travel times results in the poorest prediction performance, incorporating traffic flow data yields minor improvements in prediction accuracy compared with when temporal variables are used.

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