
Sponge iron (SI) industry is relatively new and presently passing through teething problems. For higher and higher production, quality and productivity (Q&P) is always ignored. However, this approach has led to making the problem worse. Implementation of total quality management (TQM) can help solve the problems similar to other industries. But extensive literature review indicates that no study has yet identified and statistically established the reliability and validity of a set of critical success factors (CSFs) for implementation of TQM for Q&P improvement in SI industry. Implementation of TQM needs a validated instrument. This work aims to fulfil this gap. Through extensive literature analysis, the authors have identified a number of attributes and CSFs of TQM of various sectors. With the help of judgmental selection of attributes, an instrument was developed and a pilot study was carried out in SI units in a small region in India to validate the instrument. This validated instrument could be used for study on a wider scale for the development of a generalised model for SI industry. With little modification, the instrument can also be used for other process industries. The research is unique and a primary step towards reaching the needs of SI industry i.e., Q&P improvement through TQM implementation.

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