
AbstractThe word “Design” is used in many ways. But most of them consider it from the standpoint of artificial or man-made. In other words, as “Human Intelligence”, But we should remember we are born to “Design”. That is “Instinct”. We are born with instinct to survive. “Instint” is “Natural Intelligence”. “Instinct” plays an important role for making decisions. In decision making, we need to prioritze them. If the first one fails to satisfy our expectation, we take the next one. But our world is increasing complexity and complicatedness, and our bodies and movements are different from person to person. To cope with such increasing diversification, “Instinct” is calling for support. Therefore,Mahalanobis Distance-Pattern (MDP) approach is proposed in this paper as one of the tools to support our “Instinct”. MDP combines ordinal Mahalanobis Distance and pattern which is a non-verbal communication tool.

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