
The study assembled insights comparison between two different Local municipalities in South Africa and Nigeria pertaining to youths’ participation linked to some socio-economic status within the context of the Local Economic Development Programmes. The study made use of (n-160) youthful participants who participated in various LED programs out of a total number of (n-205) youths whom were multi-staged sampled. Data were analysed using multivariate inferential statistics and Pearson chi-square Test for independence correlations between variables (Lowry, 2002) and employed descriptive procedures recommended by Creswell (2007). This study revealed acute institutional challenges, indifference and supportive legal framework system and a significant effect with maturity level due to pedagogic attainment viable among certain age group range. It recommends the need for cooperative linkages of youths to substantive opportunities and increased informational knowledge of programmes using career survey assessment to ascertain matching skills capabilities within the youth’s interest and their self-regulatory and self-efficacy. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n23p1621

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