
Extracts of the leaves of flame tree Brachychitonsp. were studied for its insecticidal potential. This was done in an experimental set up using cockroach as pest test subject. The following set-ups included: Set-up A, using 10 mL pure extract of Brachychitonsp. leaves; Set-up B, mixture of 5 mL of pure extract and 5 mL distilled water, Set-up C, using 10 mL distilled water. There were two hundred seventy (270) cockroaches collected and each set-up contained ten (10) cockroaches as subject of the study. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the simplified Abbots formula were used to determine the mortality rate of cockroaches. Major findings of the study showed that flame tree leaves extract concentrations have considerable effects on cockroaches.The results revealed that Set-up A, treated with 100% Brachychitonsp. leaves extract showed a remarkable performance. This has some implications on its varying concentrations and time to manifest significant effects in controlling cockroach population.

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