
Pan and Reif have shown that Newton iteration may be used to compute the inverse of an $n \times n$, well-conditioned matrix in parallel time $O(\log ^2 n)$ and that this computation is processor efficient. Since the algorithm essentially amounts to a sequence of matrix–matrix multiplications, it can be implemented with great efficiency on systolic arrays and parallel computers.Newton's method is expensive in terms of the arithmetic operation count. In this paper the cost of Newton's method is reduced with several new acceleration procedures. A speedup by a factor of two is obtained for arbitrary input matrices; for symmetric positive definite matrices, the factor is four. It is also shown that the accelerated procedure is a form of Tchebychev acceleration, whereas Newton's method uses a Neumann series approximation.In addition, Newton-like procedures are developed for a number of important related problems. It is also shown how to compute the nearest matrices of lower rank to a given matrix A, the generalized inverses of these nearby matrices, their ranks (as a function of their distances from A), and projections onto subspaces spanned by singular vectors; such computations are impodrtant in signal processing applications. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the numerical instability of Newton's method when applied to a singular matrix is absent from these improved methods. Finally, the use of these tools to devise new polylog time parallel algorithms for the singular value decomposition is explored.

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