
ArticleAn implantable glass electrode used for pH measurement in working skeletal muscle.G Gebert, and S M FriedmanG Gebert, and S M FriedmanPublished Online:01 Jan 1973https://doi.org/10.1152/jappl.1973.34.1.122MoreSectionsPDF (470 KB)Download PDF ToolsExport citationAdd to favoritesGet permissionsTrack citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinkedInWeChat Previous Back to Top Next Download PDF FiguresReferencesRelatedInformation Cited ByAnaerobic MetabolismCauses of differences in exercise-induced changes of base excess and blood lactate7 November 2006 | European Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol. 99, No. 2Effects of changes in pH on the afferent impulse activity of isolated cat muscle spindlesBrain Research, Vol. 1043, No. 1-2Regulation and Modulation of pH in the BrainMITCHELL CHESLER1 October 2003 | Physiological Reviews, Vol. 83, No. 4Control of skeletal muscle perfusion at the onset of dynamic exerciseMedicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Vol. 31, No. 7Relationship of peak exercise capacity with indexes of peripheral muscle vasodilationMedicine &amp Science in Sports &amp Exercise, Vol. 28, No. 1031P-Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy study of the time course of energy metabolism during exercise and recoveryEuropean Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, Vol. 66, No. 6Changes in intracellular pH during repeated exerciseEuropean Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, Vol. 67, No. 3The regulation and modulation of pH in the nervous systemProgress in Neurobiology, Vol. 34, No. 5Changes in extracellular pH during electrical stimulation of isolated rat vagus nerveNeuroscience Letters, Vol. 64, No. 2Continuous monitoring of tissue pH with a fiberoptic conjunctival sensorAnnals of Emergency Medicine, Vol. 14, No. 9The relevance of tumour pH to the treatment of malignant diseaseRadiotherapy and Oncology, Vol. 2, No. 4Differential serotonin responses in the skeletal muscle microcirculationLife Sciences, Vol. 34, No. 12Effects of pH onin vitro gallbladder responses to cholecystokinin octapeptideDigestive Diseases and Sciences, Vol. 27, No. 7Tumour pH in human mammary carcinomaEuropean Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology, Vol. 18, No. 5Alkalinization of phosphorylase kinase-deficient muscle during tetanic contractionBioscience Reports, Vol. 1, No. 2The Use of ISMs in Working Skeletal Muscles and Venous Effluent BloodExtracellular K+ concentration and K+ Balance of the gastrocnemius muscle of the dog during exercisePfl�gers Archiv European Journal of Physiology, Vol. 387, No. 3Modification of α-adrenergic responses of small arteries by altered PCO2 and pHEuropean Journal of Pharmacology, Vol. 57, No. 4On-line, computer-controlled potentiometric analysis system1 May 2002 | Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 48, No. 2Glass microelectrode probes for routine pH measurements1 May 2002 | Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 48, No. 2The interstitial pH of the working gastrocnemius muscle of the dogPfl�gers Archiv European Journal of Physiology, Vol. 367, No. 2Reversible metal/salt interfaces and the relation of second kind and all-solid-state membrane electrodes1 May 2002 | Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 46, No. 14Ion selective electrodes, potentiometry, and potentiometric titrations1 May 2002 | Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 46, No. 5 More from this issue > Volume 34Issue 1January 1973Pages 122-4 https://doi.org/10.1152/jappl.1973.34.1.122PubMed4697369History Published online 1 January 1973 Published in print 1 January 1973 Metrics

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