The use of integrated circuits in high-performance computing, telecommunications, and consumer electronics has been growing at a very fast pace. The level of integration as measured by the number of logic gates in a chip has been steadily rising due to the rapid progress in processing and interconnect technology. The interconnect delay in VLSI circuits has become a critical determiner of circuit performance. As a result, circuit layout is starting to play a more important role in today’s chip designs. Global routing is one of the key sub-problems of circuit layout which involves finding an approximate path for the wires connecting the elements of the circuit without violating resource constraints. In this paper, several integer programming (ILP) based global routing models are fully investigated and explored. The resulting ILP problem is relaxed and solved as a linear programming (LP) problem followed by a rounding heuristic to obtain an integer solution. Experimental results obtained show that the proposed combined WVEM (wirelength, via, edge capacity) model can optimize several global routing objectives simultaneously and effectively. In addition, several hierarchical methods are combined with the proposed flat ILP based global router to reduce the CPU time by about 66% on average for edge capacity model (ECM).
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