
This is an exploratory study of two selected figure of speech: personification and hyperbole. They are, however, selected as key rhetoric devices that depict the poetic language and style. They are central figures of speech that are significant in the poetic sentences and semantic content. This study is guided by Formalism approach based on poetic sounds, syntactic and semantic construction. They are used to achieve a special meaning or effect in all modes of discourse. They are integral to the functioning of language in a connotative manner. These figures of speech extend the meaning of words or phrases beyond the normal way as a result of mental association. Their functions are for the emphasis on ironic effect and animation. The formalist approach is adopted because it helps the readers to analyse the writer’s technical prowess and craft skills. It believes that in any work of art such as poetry, the poetic sometimes deliberately defamiliarizes the raw material and objects of familiar actions and words that he uses to build up his poem.

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