
This inquiry was conducted following reports that questioned the quality of higher education in Zambia, including the quality of Human Resources for Health (HRH) training. One of the notable reports was from research conducted by the Zambia Medical Association (2019). This inquiry built on all these reports by focusing on the roles of the various regulators (also referred to here as Actors) on how their individual and collective roles can play a role in improving the quality of HRH training in Zambia. Ideally, one does not expect to see any challenges in the quality of HRH training because when reading the acts and mandates of the various actors (summarized in Table 1), such as HPCZ, HEA, ZAQA, and local government authorities, there appears to enough authority to provide quality assurance. The inquiry focused on what could have gone wrong and what could have been improved. Keywords: Actors, Human Resources for Health (HRH), Intersectoral collaboration, Quality, Regulators, Training.

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