
Background and Objective: Folk medicinal plants are densely found in India which needs to be thorough-ly studied and documented. Andrographis Macrobotrys (Nees) is an erect, stout herb of Acanthaceae fami-ly is used in the treatment of snake bite, diarrhea, muscle pain, fever, jaundice, liver disorders and skin dis-ease by the tribes of Kerala. According to the principles of Ayurveda, basis for use of drug is by analysing its Rasapanchaka (attributes) namely rasa (taste), guna (qualities), vipaka (taste after digestion), virya (po-tency), and prabhava (special action). Hence assessment of Rasapanchaka is necessary for thorough knowledge of the drug. Aim of the present study is to evaluate the Rasa, Guna, Virya, Vipaka and prabha-va of Andrographis Macrobotrys Nees. Methods: Rasa of whole plant was assessed by direct perception by administering test drug to 25 volun-teers. Virya was assessed by exothermic and endothermic reaction of the drug with water in different con-centrations. Vipaka, guna and prabhava were determined through animal experimental study by adminis-tering drug to 12 Wistar Albino rats. Result and Conclusion: The assessment of study on rasapanchaka reveals that test drug possess Tiktha (bitter) rasa, Kashaya (astringent) anurasa, laghu (light), ruksha (dry), ushna (hot) guna, katu (pungent) vipaka, sheetha (cold) virya, pachana (digestive), lekhana (scraping) karma (action).

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