
The purpose of this study is to determine the technological pedagogical content knowledge of pre-service elementary school and preschool teachers. The fundamental problem of the study consists of the investigation of teachers' TPACK by their year of study and fields. This is a descriptive study. It was conducted using the survey model because it aimed to determine TPACK of the 995 pre-service elementary school and preschool teachers who participated in the study. They were in the departments of elementary school teaching and preschool teaching at three state universities in the spring term of the 2014-2015 academic year. The study found the means of junior (third year) and senior (fourth year) pre-service teachers in the departments of elementary school teaching and preschool teaching to be high. Their means were also high in the sub-dimensions of TPACK competence. The TPACK means of the pre-service elementary school and preschool teachers were found to be high. The TPACK means of senior pre-service elementary school and preschool teachers were determined to differ from those of junior pre-service preschool teachers. It can be stated that this difference resulted from technology and material development courses taken by the pre-service teachers in different semesters. Their pre-service education had positive effects on their TPACK. Providing pre-service technology education and practice as part of relevant courses will not be adequate. Along with the education, pre-service elementary school and preschool teachers should be provided with opportunities to use technology. These opportunities should go beyond the basis of courses that they take. It should be supplemented with practice in teaching practicum courses and should be included in practice evaluation forms as a criterion. The subdimensions of TPACK can be examined, and TPACK competency can be assessed in specific teaching programs in further studies.

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