
ABSTRACT This paper seeks to clarify some of the assertions made by Norton et al. (2022) regarding the accreditation standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) Commission on Accreditation (CoA) and the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), as well as examines two critical issues raised by the authors. In their editorial, Norton et al. sought to examine accreditation standard similarities and differences between Australia and North America to promote an exploration of effective educational practices. This commentary applauds their effort and after making some clarifying comments about the First Street Accord, Exemplar Institutions, Program Differences and Supervised Experience Requirements and Licensure, this commentary explores competency-based education and assessing competency. The commentary concludes by underscoring Norton et al.’s challenge to the field to develop a clear consensus on what constitutes competent practice and instruments that would allow researchers to measure competence.

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