
Abstract Cloud top entrainment instability, as a mechanism for the breakup of marine stratus, is examined with a three-dimensional, planetary boundary layer (PBL) model. Specifically, we examine the criterion developed by Randall and Deardorff; this criterion states that stratus will break up if the equivalent potential temperature gradient at cloud top becomes less than a critical value. To examine this hypothesis, we simulate a horizontally uniform stratus layer which is excited from above by small random temperature perturbations. The buoyancy instability ratio (BIR), defined as Δθe(Δθe)crit and computed at cloud top, is calculated locally across the domain and also averaged to define a mean value. Six cases, involving different wind speeds and above-cloud soundings, produce different initial BIRs and different breakup sequences. In general, we find that a mean BIR greater that one is a necessary condition for stratus breakup; however, we also find that the timing of breakup following achievement of th...

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