
Work force casualization and contracting has become the bane of employment practice of hirers of labour in Nigeria labour industry over the recent few decades. This research is a post-field desk evaluation of the on-going research sponsored by the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND), Nigeria through the Federal University Wukari. The current position is to evaluate the extant literatures vis-a-vis the field data collection experience to establish a general overview of the “implications of banks’ workforce casualization and contracting on industrial relations and corporate governance profile of Nigeria state” which is expected to serve as useful basis for deductions and generalization when our research hypotheses will be tested in the main report document. At this stage, desk-review method was adopted. In the plethora of literatures evaluated scholars agreed that casualization dehumanized and degrades labour integrity which ultimately results into poor work ethics, low employee commitment and productivity and increased disloyalty. Casualization creates hate and unfriendly industrial relations between the employers of labour and the organization’s workforce.

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