A technique is described for the representation of the left ventricle as a one-port source characterized by a generator pressure and an internal impedance. The Fourier components of the pressure and impedance are determined from phasor analysis performed on recorded time-domain functions of pressure and flow under two conditions of loading. One condition is the quiescent state corresponding to normal operation of the circulatory system, and the other is obtained by use of a phase-shift balloon pump situated in the descending thoracic aorta. The use of the balloon pump for determining source parameters is novel. The Fourier components of pressure and impedance are determined for the first five harmonics of the quiescent pulse rate. Heart failure is simulated by ligation of all branches of the anterior descending coronary artery. The source parameters have been found to vary considerably between normal and failing hearts. Valve impedance and the impedance at the root of the aorta were also measured. The generator time-domain pressure waveforms were determined from the Fourier components. Effects of long duration pumping, upon the source parameters were found. The ratio of the calculated magnitudes of internal to external or load impedance indicates the possibility of considering the heart as a pressure source.
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