As more and more new power electronics with high switching frequencies are used in power-electronic equipment on ships and other platforms, the wideband radiation that power-electronic equipment gives off could affect sensitive equipment on the platform. Therefore, it is crucial to accurately model and characterize its wideband radiation properties to predict the wideband field distribution near such equipment. The traditional equivalent dipole method is commonly used to model power-electronic equipment at a single frequency. It is difficult to apply this method to wideband applications, and the precision of equivalent dipole array modeling at each frequency is insufficient. Additionally, acquiring the near-field phase data necessary for comparable modeling through practical measurement is frequently difficult. To solve the above problems, this paper proposes an equivalent dipole hybrid modeling method for power-electronic equipment’s broadband radiation characteristics. Starting with the near-field data at finite frequency points in a wideband, the method employs a global optimization algorithm to find the best equivalent dipole array, which characterizes the power-electronic equipment’s radiation characteristics. Furthermore, the interpolation technique is used to predict the wideband radiation properties of power-electronic equipment. Finally, test and numerical examples demonstrate the method’s accuracy and effectiveness.
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