
Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA) is a challenge response tactics for identifying whether intervened user is human or bot. It is a benchmark task in the field of artificial intelligence that acquires capabilities to secure a webpage or database from programmed loop. There are various ways to attempt such tests i.e. distorted text recognition, motion text recognition, picture identification, mathematical calculation and AI problems as gaming CAPTCHA. Nowadays CAPTCHA is well thought-out as a broadly employed technique which is exploited by web services to prevent their system from unusual relay attacks. It is basically a Turing test required to differentiate whether the accessed client is either a human being or a robot. CAPTCHA is a trending approach where user needs to play an artificial game which is based on some logics that can be understood by human and almost impossible for robots. Gaming CAPTCHA is trending now where user is required to understand the task and perform as it required. But dragging an object towards target area on the basis of object recognition is not a big deal either for human or bots. It is required to put some intellectual efforts that automated programs do not understand. Proposed system is able to provide highly secured technique that easily differentiates human and bots. Proposed CAPTCHA is based on situation reaction test where user is required to take fundamentally correct decision as per the situation. Situation reaction based CAPTCHA is a new and effective approach where hard AI problem proposed that only possible for human and almost impossible for bots. Robot is always weak in correct decision making especially in real life situations that is why situation reaction CAPTCHA plays an important role in the field of turing test.

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